Read More… from Trauma-Informed Approach and Trauma-Specific Interventions
This Quick Guide accompanies the service improvement guidelines set forth in Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services, Number 57 in the Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) series. It summarizes the how-to […]
Read More… from Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral health Services: Quick Guide for Clinicians
Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of […]
A toolkit for law enforcement.This Toolkit is designed to meet the unique needs of today’s officers, who may or may not have the opportunity to work in close collaboration with […]
Read More… from Enhancing Police Responses to Children Exposed to Violence
Engage in a candid discussion around the evolution in our understanding of trauma and its impact on communities. List strategies relevant for efforts focused preventing violence and trauma violence. Identify […]
Read More… from Boosting Resilience and organizational capacity to address trauma related violence
by understanding how children experience traumatic events and how these children express their lingering distress over the experience, parents, physicians, communities, and schools can respond to their children and help […]
The purpose of this brochure is to provide you with some quick tips to enhance care in the ED for people who have attempted suicide, while also providing information on […]
A Step-by-Step Approach: How do you create an effective, realistic plan that helps you get and stay connected with key groups that are essential to meeting your program goals? […]
Read More… from Creating and Implementing a Communications Plan
Developing tribal capacity to understand and conduct research and evaluation in tribal communities is an exercise in sovereignty. These resources can provide information to get started. […]
Read More… from Research and Evaluation in Native Communities
Information on how a program is adopted, modified, or sustained and how the evaluations results are conveyed and interpreted. […]
Read More… from Reporting and Presenting Evaluation Findings